
Tag: Said Nursi [ All ]

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Geçiş Dönemi Din Eğitiminde Model Arayışı 
Said Nursî, İmam Gazali ve Şah Veliyuliah’a Göre Kur'ân'da Nübüvvet Müessesesi 
Said Nursi ve İnsan Görüşünün Temelleri 
An Assessment of the International Economic Sanctions Against Muslims in the Light of Said Nursi’s Teachings 
Islam and Modernity 
Qur’anic Commentary, Public Space, and Religious Intellectuals in the Writings of Said Nursi 
The Paradigmatic Background to the Ecological Crisis and Said Nursi’s Cosmological Teachings 
Said Nursi and the People of the Book 
The Purposes of Repetition in the Qur’an According to the Risale-i Nur 
The Aims of the Qur’an in the View of Said Nursi An Analytical and Comparative Study